Week by week we’ve been taking you all through the design pillars here at Refine Studios. We use these pillars as the basis for curating our client’s designs to fit their needs for their space!


Week by week we’ve been taking you all through the design pillars here at Refine Studios. We use these pillars as the basis for curating our client’s designs to fit their needs for their space! No two clients are the same and everything from the people, flow, sound, lighting, and much more impact a space. Using these ten pillars as the guidelines really ensures that we are transforming a house into a home for our clients so that they’ll be excited to walk in the door. Today we’re sharing all about our sound design pillar.

Sound can greatly impact your overall well-being and change how you respond to situations. It triggers emotions and music can even spark certain memories. There are songs that can take me back to an exact moment in time every time I hear them. Sound can also have a negative effect if it’s not properly managed. This is more common in public settings, but certain materials can cause sound to bounce around rather than being absorbed. Managing noise levels while incorporating positive sound into your environment helps to influence mood and increase energy levels. Understanding our client’s specific needs regarding sound helps to make appropriate selections.


Charity Scott | Owner + Designer: 

We would not survive without our Dohm. I got into the habit of using one of these when I lived in the back of my studio. I was right next door to a coffee  shop and could hear everything. The dohm helped to drown out  the noise and now I can’t sleep without it. Once you start using one you wonder how you ever slept without it. We have also used a sound machine in Casen’s room ever since he started sleeping in his crib. For him we use a hatch which also serves as his nightlight. One of my clients actually bought this for us. It was a gift we didn’t know we needed! We will definitely be purchasing another for our next child.

Casey | Project Manager:

We are big on using our record player to transition our evenings from the busy day of work and activities to family and dinner time. As we settle in to cook, we put a record on and the kids pull up a chair at our kitchen island for homework or a craft project (and sometimes a little Hot Wheel racing nearby!). The whole mood changes in the house- this is our time to be together.

Jada | Interior Detailer:

We’re all about feeling surrounded by the music we’re playing or the show we’re watching, so we have a stereo system hooked up to our tv that makes it feel like surround sound, but on a budget. For our music, we use either our Alexa or bluetooth Bose speakers in the living spaces so that when we’re cleaning, playing games, or cooking, the music fills the room. I will always recommend splurging on a well made speaker. Since we live in an apartment, a good quality speaker makes it so we don’t have to get crazy with the volume and annoy our neighbors to get the full effect of the music or to hear a good base. On the other side of things, since my fiance and I share an office, quality noise canceling headphones are a game changer. I was always happy with my Skullcandy earbuds from high school, but after getting true noise canceling earbuds, I don’t want to use anything else. 

Kaitlynn | Design Assistant: 

I love the way music can transform your space into whatever mood you want. Whether it’s a fun playlist to get you excited while you’re getting ready for an event or some chill music to help you wind down your day, I will always have something playing! But the real winner here is my Airpod Pros, Since I work from home and live with roommates it’s important to me to have good noise canceling headphones. I use these daily, whether it’s for hopping on a call while I’m at home, listening to music while working from a coffee shop, or for random everyday tasks like grocery shopping or going to the gym.


THE SCOTT PROJECT: Primary Bedroom Remodel
