Week by week we’ve been taking you all through the design pillars here at Refine Studios. We use these pillars as the basis for curating our client’s designs to fit their needs for their space!


Week by week we’ve been taking you all through the design pillars here at Refine Studios. We use these pillars as the basis for curating our client’s designs to fit their needs for their space! No two clients are the same and everything from the people, flow, sound, lighting, and much more impact a space. Using these ten pillars as the guidelines really ensures that we are transforming a house into a home for our clients so that they’ll be excited to walk in the door. Today we’re sharing all about our temperature design pillar.

Temperature is one of those elements that can really make or break your experience in a space. Restaurants that are so freezing cold your teeth are chattering…. the hot doctor’s office when you are stuck wrestling a toddler…. the cold conference room with no warm coffee in sight…. broken air conditioning on hot summer night…. These all make for some tense situations!

Temperature preferences are something we like to touch on early in our interviewing process because we need to think through this detail at each stage. For example- full windows facing the setting sun in your kitchen may be lovely for someone who doesn’t mind the warmth, but it can set the stage for a full- on adult tantrum for someone who can’t take the heat! Temperature also comes into play when we think about fabrics, bedding weight, the need for ceiling fans, fireplace options, even heated flooring or rug selections.

If you are someone who has a strong preference on whether you like being hot or cold, don’t hesitate to communicate that with your designer- it can really impact how you end up feeling about your home!


Charity Scott | Owner + Designer: 

I would much rather be hot than cold any day! I am that person who is always cold. There is nothing worse than going to a restaurant or retail shop and freezing the whole time. In fact there are places I won’t go because of how cold they keep it. Of course, I married someone who is always hot (isn’t that what usually happens) so at home it’s all about keeping that balance to where we can both be happy. That typically means warm blankets and sweatshirts for me!

Casey | Project Manager:

Living in Texas means I get my fair share of ultra hot and humid, but I would take that any day over being cold! I love that we also have mild winters so there are plenty of warm days to play outside all year long! My perfect temperature would be in the low 70s though, I am a sucker for a shorts/sweatshirt combo!

Jada | Interior Detailer:

Living in Missouri, winter is my least favorite time of the year. I would rather be warm than cold, so when chilly weather does hit, you’ll always catch me drinking hot tea and cozy with my heating pad. It makes me happy when I can just turn off the thermostat and open all the windows. My “perfect” temperature in the house is my fiance’s “wow its hot in here” temperature.

Kaitlynn | Design Assistant: 

To me this depends on if we are talking about the temperature inside or outside. If we are talking about the temperature inside a house, I would take being cold over being hot any day of the week. If we are talking about the temperature outside I 100% would rather be hot than cold!


